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Author Topic: Star award and coaching award providers  (Read 34538 times)


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Star award and coaching award providers
« on: June 11, 2009 »

This thread will be used to list the providers of the star and coaching awards in NI
Please post any details below and I will update this post as I can. (I'm a bit snowed under with work atm otherwise I would go looking myself)

If i have something  incorrect (apologies in advance) please pm me or leave a post so I can amend it

Star awards
Paddle power/sport
Paddlepower (kids) and sport (adults) provide a fun yet structured introduction to paddling.  While the paddling basics are introduced the focus is on boat and water confidence and fun.
Most paddle providers offer these courses on request..
People offering paddle sport and power currently are:
  • The Share Centre
  • Mobile team adventure
Star Awards - 1 and 2 star
These two awards test basic paddling skills in closed cockpit and open canoe in sheltered water.  These two courses provide the fundamentals for good paddling skills later in ones "paddling" life.
The 2 star award ensures competent  paddling of both canoe and kayak.  For the passing of this award assessment in both craft must be passed.  The 2 star award builds on the basics of the 1 star award but the 1 star does not have to be completed prior to the 2 star.
Currently offering 1 and 2 star courses by arrangement are:

3,4 and 5 star awards
Post 2 star awards become discipline specific.  The main types of paddle sport can be divided into canoe and kayak and different styles.  Those currently with award schemes are.
Kayak: Surf, white water, sea
Canoe: inland.
Those offering courses are as follows
  • Tollymore: Sea, surf and white water.
  • Ardclinis:White water?
  • Xplore outdoors: Sea
  • Hugo Dale : Canoe
Coaching awards

UKCC level 1 in Paddle sport
Offered by :
  • Tollymore
  • Hugo Dale, 07789480442, hugo@daleni.co.uk
UKCC level 2 in Paddle sport
  • Tollymore
  • Hugo Dale
(to be updated as info becomes available)

Syllabus for star awards
Can you tick all the boxes?  The BCU have current info for star awards http://www.bcu.org.uk/tests-and-awards/personal-performance-awards/paddlesport-start-i-1-to-3-star/.

Why not get in touch with your local club and work towards your star awards with great people!

Annalong Canoe and Kayak Club   
Banbridge Kayak and Canoe Club
Belfast Canoe Club   
Belfast Kayak Club   
Boots and Paddles canoe club   
C3 Canoe Club   
Causeway Coast Kayak Association   Canoe Clubs
Co Antrim Canoe/Yacht Club   Canoe Clubs
Dog Leap Canoe Club

Club contact info can be found on the cani website http://www.cani.org.uk/directory/Default.aspx?Page=1&searchtext=&0=
« Last Edit: November 18, 2010 by Michelle »
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