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Author Topic: The Belfast Plastic Spork Revolution  (Read 20913 times)

Lee B

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The Belfast Plastic Spork Revolution
« on: May 19, 2009 »

Where in hell can I buy a decent knife these days?  I dandered round Belfast yesterday looking in Bradells, Smithfield Army Surplus, McMaster's (recommended by Bradells).  Even resorted to  trying Impact Martial Arts, asking the kid in the D&D store if he knew a decent store for fantasy knives, as I walked dejectedly back to the car.  Bradells was best, with one or two fixed blade knives.  But it was LITERALLY one or two.  I think only one was full-tang, and it looked more of a hunting knife with a double-bevelled blade, which I hear isn't as good for bushcraft.

For now, I've ordered a crappy Mora Clipper online, which will probably do while I learn not to break my knife ;)  I'll probably end up buying something much nicer online eventually.

But seriously... is it even possible to find a collection of real knives (machetes and all aside) in Belfast any more?  I remember browsing decent collections of knives in TOURIST towns like Newcastle and Portrush as a kid.  Things have gotten very screwed up around here if not even dedicated, old-school sports stores in Belfast carry them now.  I'm as against knife crime as anyone, but this seems like a step too far.  It would be much nicer to wander around, checking things out in person, seeing how they feel in the hand, etc.

What knives would you guys recommend for under, say, £70, by the way?  I like the look of Helle Eggens (but they seem to have a crappy tang too), and Fallkniven NL1/F1s look great, but are pricey.  If the clipper lasts a while, something in that price range might be an option later.


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Re: The Belfast Plastic Spork Revolution
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2009 »

Hello Lee.
You will find that the Mora is in fact a VERY fine knife and probably the best value Bushcraft knife out there. most of the large UK bushcraft schools use the More as their training knife, including Ray Mears' Woodlore school, Woodsmoke school etc etc. The Falkniven F1 is a very good knife as well, very robust and a great quality steel is used, but it's very thick at 4mm. (If you get out with us sometime I'll let you have a go with mine) The helle, and other stick tang knives are surprisingly robust (I've battered the bejezus out of a few) and they hold up really well. I even have a Bernie Garland Custom made bushcraft knife that I usually carry when in the woods which is pretty much bomb proof, but my most used knife is a small Falkinven WM1 fixed blade which hangs round my neck.
I doubt that you will find a good knife seller anywhere in NI (I hope I'm proved wrong here, but after years of looking, I gave up) Best bet is on the Internet.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2009 by Celt_Ginger »


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Re: The Belfast Plastic Spork Revolution
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2009 »

I have to say Lee that I totaly agree with Celt that the  mora is a first rate knife. I alway's carr one with me when I am out, I have spent good money on decent knife's including a Ray Mears Wilkinson sword and I alway's keep coming back to the mora's.
As to buying a good knife, there is a guy on BCL who make's his own knife's his name is Bernie Garland, I would be sure if you PMed himhe would sort you out with a decent knife.

Lee B

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Re: The Belfast Plastic Spork Revolution
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2009 »

Good stuff guys, thanks.  I have heard lots of good things about Moras (and saw some videos on youtube of it taking a good beating), which is why I bought that in the end.  I guess a bit of time and experience with it will make me feel a lot happier that the handle's not going to snap :)  I'll check out the other stuff you mentioned; especially Bernie's.

Anyway.. see you both soon hopefully :)


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Re: The Belfast Plastic Spork Revolution
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2009 »

Lee, you wouldn't believe the hammering I gave my Mora on a week long Woodlore course. We were battoning them all day long to split fire wood, hammering them into logs, stripping bark with the spine, dressing game, perparing supper and carving spoons with them. As Mouldsy has said, You will keep coming back to the Mora even after you have bought a knife costing 10 times as much. The Daddy of modern Bushcraft and someone that even Mearsy as well as most other Bushcraft instructors look up to, Mors Konchansky, hardly ever uses anything else. So if it's good enough for him, it should be good enough for the rest of us.


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Re: The Belfast Plastic Spork Revolution
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2009 »

I got a Frosts Mora 840MG Clipper (High Carbon) from CamelotOutdoors for £10.95 inc delivery. I don't know that much about knives but it gets great reviews for a starter blade. One thing I would say was that after using it I mustn't have cleaned it properly and the blade seemed to rust slightly and I've no idea how to clean it... I also got a Frosts Mora Crook knife from Camelot for spoon carving but haven't had a chance to have a go yet.

I can recommend Camelot Outdoors for their Bushcraft/camping/survival gear. They're reasonably priced with free delivery to Northern Ireland. You can find them here:


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Re: The Belfast Plastic Spork Revolution
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2009 »

I got a Frosts Mora 840MG Clipper (High Carbon) from CamelotOutdoors for £10.95 inc delivery. I don't know that much about knives but it gets great reviews for a starter blade. One thing I would say was that after using it I mustn't have cleaned it properly and the blade seemed to rust slightly and I've no idea how to clean it... I also got a Frosts Mora Crook knife from Camelot for spoon carving but haven't had a chance to have a go yet.

I can recommend Camelot Outdoors for their Bushcraft/camping/survival gear. They're reasonably priced with free delivery to Northern Ireland. You can find them here:

Wire wool should clean up the blade for you.

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